Ragging is a practice in educational institutions that involves existing students baiting or bullying new students. In the name of introduction or initiation, millions of students are brutally abused in many educational institutions. Historically originated, probably, to generate fellow-feeling or camaraderie and the ability to work in a team, it has metamorphosed into something else. It often takes a malignant form wherein the newcomers may be subjected to psychological or physical torture.
Ragging in India is a damaging form of interaction of the seniors in college or school with the juniors, newcomers or first years. It is similar to but not same as hazing in the United States, it is not an initiation. It involves insults (simple or suggestive sexual, sarcastic and even physical) running errands for seniors, and many other complex activities. Following Supreme Court orders a National Anti-Ragging Helpline was launched by the Indian Government. Students being ragged send emails at helpline@antiragging.in to register their complaint, which can be registered without disclosing the name(s) of the victim(s).